If Only a Rose Could Speak
If Only a Rose Could Speak Send Love, Send Feelings Written by Charlie Farricielli The Rose. Nature’s silent messengers of God! Just last night I was thinking of ways for individuals to enhance the planet with additional sources of abundant love. Jenny Marie and I continue to learn numerous life secrets any countless blessed lessons concerning love and consecrated relationships. I make sure that Jenny has at least one fresh rose displayed for every special moment of our privileged lives. As I have written before in my blogs, roses are Gods silent messenger of love and feelings. Wow, If only roses could speak I thought! They would reveal to the recipient loving whispers of appreciation, gratefulness and love. They would speak the private expressions from our soul. Then I realized roses do speak! They speak unvoiced! In forms of feelings and soundless emotions! They portray visually and vividly our passionate wordless sentiments of “Love and Feelings”! I have been...