
Showing posts from October 10, 2013

PEMF Is A Benefit for Mankind

“PEMF is a benefit for Mankind from infant to the geriatric. PEMF will lead to a change in the paradigm of medicine.” Dr. Linus Pauling – Double Nobel Prize Winner   Blood Cell Analysis Before And After PEMF 4000GII   WAVEFORMS The four parameters used to define signals are waveform (or signal shape), field strength, frequency, and resonance. In theory these 4 components must be balanced and must be introduced into the body within an appropriate energy spectrum – a "biological window" as it were – in order to produce the optimum health-promoting effect, and to avoid negative effects. It is the difference in these signal parameters that differentiates whether an electromagnetic signal is harmful (e.g., from cell phones, microwave ovens, dishwashers, alarm clocks, or power lines) or health-promoting (e.g., pulsed magnetic fields utilized in health care and for wellness.) A wave is a disturbance traveling through space, transferring energy from one point to the next. Those ...