Super Fragrant Roses
Most Fragrant Roses Fragrant roses and most fragrant roses and scented garden roses are what comes to most peoples mind when thinking about roses. A lovely, delicious fragrance is a top requirement for perfect roses. That's what all rose breeders strive for. Are you looking for a fragrant disease resistant rose, a very fragrant patio rose, or perhaps fragrant prolific ever blooming roses, or a fragrant lavender rose? There are a lot of scented roses available, such as fragrant climbing roses, shade tolerant scented roses, fragrant miniature roses, fragrant hybrid tea roses, heirloom scented roses and fragrant hardy roses. The photo gallery of roses on this page, are examples of highly scented roses. Fragrant Antique Old Roses Below are our favorite antique old roses that are extremely fragrant. Lilac Charm Antique Rose 'Tuscany', a rose of Italian origin. This rose is very, very old, pre-1596. A Gallica Rose, that is extremely fragrant, and incredibly beautiful...