
Showing posts from December 29, 2012

2013 New Year's Resolutions

2013 New Year's Resolutions     Best wishes to my beloved friend for an amazing year ahead. May the sunshine of happiness always shine above you. May the dove of peace rest over you and live in your home. May the dense forest of love surround you all year round. Every end is just a new beginning. Keep your spirits and determination unshaken and you shall always walk the glory road. With courage, faith and efforts you shall conquer everything you desire Another year filled with sweet memories and joyous times has passed. You made my year special and I wish you continue to do so. With you around, every moment is an occasion for me. I hope you have a great year ahead. May God bless my love, with his care and warmth. I love you and wish you a very Happy New Year. Blessings,        Charlie Farricielli   Getting healthy need not be overwhelming. Here are six simple, straightforward ways to get on track toward optimum health in 2013.. ...