Say “Merry Christmas” In Every Language
It’s Christmas all over the world! Its Christmas time around the world and people exchange gifts and wishes in this special time of the year. Good will wishes are expressed in many different languages during this joyous time. You may want to add a special greeting in your Christmas cards, gift tags or in your e-cards this year to wish your friends, neighbors, colleagues, chat friends "Merry Christmas" in other languages. If you are spending Christmas overseas this year, here is one resource that will help you communicate the greetings for the season. You are free to use the pictures in this hub to add to your Facebook Page or to email to your friends to greet them Merry Christmas in their language. Many Blessings, Nastame! Charlie Farricielli How "Merry Christmas" is said around the world. Afrikaans: Gesëende Kersfees Afrikander: Een Plesierige Kerfees African/ Eritrean/ Tigrinja: Rehus-Beal-Ledeats Albanian: Gezur Krislinjden Arabic: Idah Said...