
Showing posts with the label inspiration

Remember These Love Songs!

  All Those Wonderful Love Songs   Music is the most fascinating form of expressing your love. It is a medium through which we can experience the divinity of nature. The soothing melody that passes through ears and enters soul connects you to the world of harmony. When music is connected with love along with defining words, it brings a great relief to those love buds who are in love with their beloved, but finds it difficult to express. Through time, numerous love songs have been composed to epitomize the wonderful feeling called love. We bring you a compilation of some popular romantic love songs for Valentine's Day that will make your task easier and make it express rightly. Hence, the lyrics of the songs are also given to express their love through singing than saying. Throughout music history there surely have been created some diamonds. Some songs are simply too great, too magical. There are some songs that are accepted by everyone no matter which style or audience they are

A Love Story “Antony and Cleopatra”

Antony and Cleopatra    One of the most famous love stories by William Shakespeare, the love saga of Antony and Cleopatra is a truly a fable of worshipping your beloved. Antony and Cleopatra epitomize that love is another name for sacrifice. Their love story is among the most tragic ones, where both the lovers die instead of living ‘happily ever after’. ‘Antony and Cleopatra’ is among the most popular plays by Shakespeare. Enmeshed in the spirit of undying love, the tragic love story of Antony and Cleopatra is an example for all the modern lovers. It teaches them about selflessness in love and giving the ultimate sacrifice for a loved one.     Love Story Of Antony And Cleopatra One of the most famous women in history, Cleopatra VII was the brilliant and beautiful last Pharaoh of Egypt. She was proficient in nine languages and a skilled mathematician. She is often considered to be a stunning seductress though she was studying to be a nun. She became the mistress of the famous empe

Words Of Love, Love, Love! Xoxoxox

   Love is a Wonderful Thing! Said Michael Bolton! Actually, Michael is  a very good friend of mine.  And expressing those feelings, sometimes is a life challenge. So I thought I would help spread the Love…So to speak….. !   A person who is in love feels like he/she is in a magical world . Love embraces the spirit! Read through our collection of inspirational Loving Romantic and affectionate … Words …. of love. Here are some inspirational Words..Feelings….That I have put together to help you express those wonderful loving thoughts that are so difficult  to express! Gather some inspiration and motivation from these and bestow…lovingly to your special one. No matter what your goal, you can find those special words to help you express exactly how you feel. You can empower yourself to take your relationship to an entirely new level. Or, you can simply indulge in the beauty of love words. With love and daily blessings…… Charlie Farricielli…………..    Once you start savoring beautif

Love Letters! Romantic Feelings! Inspiring Thoughts!

Writing a Love Letter Tags: loved one , roses fresh , online roses , best roses , relationships , passion , love letter , pink roses , send roses , roses delivered , buy roses     Writing a love letter shouldn't be that difficult. All you have to do is open your heart and let the words flow, right? But finding the right words to profess your undying love can be a daunting task. Here are some simple tips to help you get those romantic feelings down on paper. 1. Set the mood. Just as you would want a private place to have an intimate conversation, you should also have a quiet place to write your love letter. Don't attempt to do it while sitting in the middle of a lunchroom or while bouncing along on the bus on your way home from work. Find a quiet place, put on some romantic music to put you in the right frame of mind, and relax. 2. Use the proper tools. Your love letter is a personal message to someone special, so your method of writing it should also be specia