
Advice On The True Meaning Of Roses! -

Advice On The True Meaning Of Roses! -

Advice On The True Meaning Of Roses! -

Advice On The True Meaning Of Roses! -

The Enchantment of Romance And the Magic of Roses

The Enchantment of Romance And the Magic of Roses Written and edited by Charlie Farricielli And Jenny Marie Poudrier Before you read through this, please imagine and trust the love and appreciation that you have in your relationship for your lifetime soul mate. By no means think of the negative, forever reflect and contemplate the positive! There are so many tribulations, obstacles and rough roads in relationships today! There is a way to overcome them all! Just today Jenny and I were discussing life and universal laws and we recognized that love is not always what we think it should be and we have no right to believe that we can manage or control someone else. Never Assume! Our love is love! Don’t resist what you may think as good or bad! Place no judgments on what you consider good or bad! Simply love! Pure unconditional unreserved love! As I mentioned in a current article recently published by Ezine, ROSE COLORED GLASSES AND “THE LAW OF GRATITUDE I have been successfully...

The Herdd Live Performance Dersperado Main Stage Act One _0002.wmv

If Only a Rose Could Speak

If Only a Rose Could Speak Send Love, Send Feelings Written by Charlie Farricielli The Rose. Nature’s silent messengers of God! Just last night I was thinking of ways for individuals to enhance the planet with additional sources of abundant love. Jenny Marie and I continue to learn numerous life secrets any countless blessed lessons concerning love and consecrated relationships. I make sure that Jenny has at least one fresh rose displayed for every special moment of our privileged lives. As I have written before in my blogs, roses are Gods silent messenger of love and feelings. Wow, If only roses could speak I thought! They would reveal to the recipient loving whispers of appreciation, gratefulness and love. They would speak the private expressions from our soul. Then I realized roses do speak! They speak unvoiced! In forms of feelings and soundless emotions! They portray visually and vividly our passionate wordless sentiments of “Love and Feelings”! I have been...

The True Meaning and Representational Significance of Roses! “Roses are Gods

The True Meaning and Representational Significance of Roses! “Roses are Gods Messenger of Love and Feelings!” There have been many overwhelming and numerous posts and articles and so called facts in regards to “The Meaning of Roses” and “The Language of Roses”. I thought since I have dedicated my life to roses, fresh rose growing, retail sales and the wholesale rose business as well as consumer experiences since 1974, which is over 34 years that I would research this subject and hopefully “correct” and clarify the true meanings of the wondrous and most magical fresh rose. I have been successfully and contentedly involved in the business of selling fresh superior roses to lovers and compassionate amorous men and women all over the world. I wanted to investigate and demonstrate authentic words that could accurately be used to enhance your feelings when giving a miraculous rose. I receive blessings and pleasure, and incredible gratification when I could assist a loving individu...