
Roses Are Red, A Story of the Poem

  Roses Are Red Violets Are Blue Love Poems Roses are red poems and the famous 'Roses are red Violets are blue' romantic love poem, and poems about roses, English rose poems, are the most famous and most requested love poems of all times. A lot of people like to know where these love poems originated from. Here are three original versions of the famous "Roses are red, Violets are blue" poems. Today's Version Of The Poem Roses Are Red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, And so are you, The Original Version "It was upon a Summers shine day, When Titan faire his beams did display, In a fresh fountain, farre from all mens view, She bath'd her brest, the boiling heat t'alley, She bath'd with roses red, and violets blew, And all the sweetest flowers, that in the forrest grew. By Sir Edmond Spencer (1552-1599) This poem is traced back to year 1590, when Sir Edmond Spencer, an important English poet and Poet Laureate wrote this. He is ...

Super Fragrant Roses

Most Fragrant Roses Fragrant roses and most fragrant roses and scented garden roses are what comes to most peoples mind when thinking about roses. A lovely, delicious fragrance is a top requirement for perfect roses. That's what all rose breeders strive for. Are you looking for a fragrant disease resistant rose, a very fragrant patio rose, or perhaps fragrant prolific ever blooming roses, or a fragrant lavender rose? There are a lot of scented roses available, such as fragrant climbing roses, shade tolerant scented roses, fragrant miniature roses, fragrant hybrid tea roses, heirloom scented roses and fragrant hardy roses. The photo gallery of roses on this page, are examples of highly scented roses. Fragrant Antique Old Roses Below are our favorite antique old roses that are extremely fragrant. Lilac Charm Antique Rose 'Tuscany', a rose of Italian origin. This rose is very, very old, pre-1596. A Gallica Rose, that is extremely fragrant, and incredibly beautiful...

The Life of a Single Rose

I have been successfully and contentedly involved in the business of selling fresh superior roses to lovers and compassionate amorous men and women all over the world. I wanted to demonstrate authentic words that could accurately be silently spoken when giving a miraculous rose. I receive blessings and pleasure, and incredible gratification when I could assist a loving individual lost for words with the silent language of the rose. Fresh cut roses are the ultimate timeless “expressions verbalizing unconditional love, uttering inner unexplainable feelings and whispering silent messages of ones accurate thoughts from nature’s awe-inspiring rose.” The Rose. Nature’s silent messengers of God! Single roses are simple! They are exceptionally passionate and are the unspoken environmental representation of our pure secret emotions! The magical rose is nature’s demonstration of effortlessness beauty and mysterious inborn divinity and Heaven’s gift to the planet earth. It is God’s Love Flower ...

The Rose A Marian Symbol. Rose History

The Rose A Marian Symbol   Say it with Flowers! Christians did not wait until this century to express their religious life and belief with flowers. Why did the rose become a relatively important symbol through the Christian ages? Is there a Biblical foundation? Although wild roses grew in Palestine at the time of ancient Israel and of Jesus, the rose is mentioned neither in the Hebrew Bible nor in the New Testament. In the Greco-Roman culture, the rose represented beauty, the season of spring, and love. It also spoke of the fleetness of time, and therefore inferred death and the next world. In Rome the feast called rosalia was a feast of the dead. In Latin Christian iconography the first use of the rose appears in the scenes representing the next world, paradise, together with the lily and other flowers. These flowers also became symbols of virtues and of categories of the elect; for example, the red rose for martyrs, and the lily for virgins. The rose as the queen of flow...


WILTING CUT ROSES Wilting cut roses is what we want to avoid. Cut roses in a lovely vase are a welcome addition to your home. They provide a nice decoration and pleasant aroma. The ladies love receiving them and the man in their life loves to give them. Unfortunately, after a few days the decoration losses its luster and they start to wilt and then you have wilting cut roses. This cannot be avoided but can be delayed with the proper preparation and care. Premature wilting is not always a sign of an old rose. It usually indicated that air is trapped in the stem and the stem needs to again be cut. Submerge the entire rose including the stem and leaves in a pan of warm water or bathtub. The rose usually revives again within an hour and can be replaced in the arrangement. If they drink in air it could cause wilting cut roses . Not cleaning the vase will insure that the pores in the stems will not be able to get the water to the bloom and then you will have wilting cut roses. You will n...

"America The Beautiful" With The Children Of The World Choir.

Beautiful rendition Featuring Charlie Farricielli (President RoseFarm.Com) And The Children Of The World Choir. This song was recorded in New Haven Ct with the Children of the world and so many giving musicians. Hilly Michaels,John Mariano,Richard Bogan ( A Five Satin) Mugsy Bogan, Skip Voss, Paul Saffoitti.Joe Boy, (A Five Satin Group Member) Ricky Liso, Johnny Parris, Victor on Sax,and so many others. This song was performed live for the "World Special Olympics", held in New Haven Ct in 2002. Where the Shriver Family honored the performance. We hope you enjoy the film

Growing Roses in Containers

Growing Roses in Containers Growing roses in containers can create a natural sanctuary in a busy city street, along rooftops or on balconies. You can easily accentuate the welcoming look of a deck or patio with colorful pots of annuals, or fill your window boxes with beautiful shrub roses or any number of small perennials. Whether you arrange your pots in a group for a massed effect or highlight a smaller space with a single specimen, you'll be delighted with this simple way to create a garden. They can also be scattered throughout your yard. Benefits to growing roses in containers are: Your roses can be easily moved to a different location. Can be taken with you should you move. Pots or containers are much easier for gardeners with physical limitations. Fragrant roses add beauty both indoors and outdoors. Container gardening enables you to easily vary your color scheme, and as each plant finishes flowering, it can be replaced with another. Whether you choose to harmonize o...