
Charlie Farricielli Musican (playlist)


Let It Be! “A Magical Story”

“Let It Be”      T his is a story about a very personal and yet a life changing experience that truly enhanced my very being and has optimistically altered the way I live and believe today! Yes, this story is powerful and provocative! I need to let the planet know of this truly ancient enchanting secret that I have discovered and how you may use it in your lives. Well, several years back when I thought I had all that life could give to me spiritually and materialistically, I really had not much to complain about. I believed that I did everything right and no obstacles could harm me. Yes, I had the life as a blissful dream. People all around me loved who I was and admired my life's successes and accomplishments. So proud of all that I had become. And out of no where at that moment, Magic!   The Night Before Magic It was a cold wintery night here in New England. The fireplace was ablaze and the stoned family room was dim-lit, cozy, and smelled of sweet burning o...

"America The Beautiful" With The Children Of The World Choir.


Live, Love And Be Healthy

Love is a Wonderful Thing! Said Michael Bolton! Actually, Michael is  a very good friend of mine.  And   expressing those feelings, sometimes is a life challenge. So I thought I would help spread the Love…So to speak….. ! A person who is in love feels like he/she is in a magical world . Love embraces the spirit! Read through our collection of inspirational Loving Romantic and affectionate …   Words …. of love. Here are some inspirational Words..Feelings….That I have put together to help you express those wonderful loving thoughts that are so difficult  to express! Gather some inspiration and motivation from these and bestow…lovingly to your special one. No matter what your goal, you can find those special words to help you express exactly how you feel. You can empower yourself to take your relationship to an entirely new level. Or, you can simply indulge in the beauty of love words. With love and daily blessings…… Charlie Farricielli………….. Once you s...