What are the best pulsed electromagnetic field therapy machine reviews! How do they work?
What are the best pulsed electromagnetic field therapy machine reviews! How do they work?
The power of the magnet is one of the most basic powers in nature. We know that magnetism itself was an ingredient in the primordial soup from which the universe and our planet came forth. Magnetism is the force that keeps order in the galaxy, allowing stars and planets to spin at significant velocities. And in a sense, our own planet's magnetic field is responsible for protecting all life on earth.
Dr. R. Broeringmeyer says that 6,000 years ago the earth's magnetic field measured 3 Gauss. People lived longer and archeological evidence shows they were healthier. We believe this was because of the benefits of the earth's stronger magnetic field. Today, the average measurement of this field is less than 1 Gauss. Dr. K. Nadagawa learned from his study on Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome that the human body is under the influence of the earth's magnetic field and, under modern day conditions, the effect of this field has been decreasing. By applying a magnetic field on the human body to supplement this decrease and this deficiency, abnormal conditions may be corrected. |
A few years ago it was believed that there was basically no difference between North and South Pole energy and either side of a magnet was considered useful for any health problem you might encounter. However, research now reveals there is a definite difference between the two opposing forces.
North Pole Energy (also called Negative energy) contains electrons which spin left (counterclockwise) while South Pole Energy (also called Positive Energy) has electrons which spin right. Interestingly, for the body, negative energy's effect is positive and positive energy's effect is sometimes negative. Thus, when you go somewhere to buy a magnet, don't buy a bi-pole magnet which has both North and South Pole energy on the same side or a horseshoe magnet which does something very similar. Also, realize that different fields of magnetic use have different ways of labeling North or South poles.
Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D. provided a very important fundamental observation concerning magnetic response and therapy. He showed that when an injury occurs, the injured area registers magnetically positive (south pole). After a few hours the site of the injury without any outside magnetic influence registers negative (north pole). What this shows is that north pole energy is a sign of healing while south pole energy is a signal of injury and disorder. |
Since North and South Pole energy are attracted to each other, it is quite simple to determine which is which. When you wish to identify North Pole, you need a compass with its north seeking needle This works because the earth itself is a huge magnet with both a North Pole and a South Pole. The South pole of the magnet will always face North no matter how many times it spins because it is North seeking. Since like repels like, you can also use a correctly marked North Pole magnet. . |
Why is it that so many different illnesses have been reportedly Treated although seemingly mysteriously with Pulsed Electromagnetic therapy (PEMF)?
Professor Holger Hannemann of Switzerland states: "This is now easy to understand when you keep in mind that many illnesses are the result of the same basic dysfunction. Every illness is a bio-energetic (electrical) breakdown of the organism. It is a sign that the cells have been deprived of energy and the defense mechanism weakened. It is then the task of Pulsed Electromagnetic therapy (PEMF) to remove the blockages that get in the way of normal functioning.
North Pole Negative Energy's Effect On Your Body
According to the BIOMAGNETIC HANDBOOK by Dr. William H. Philpott & Sharon Taplin, North Pole Energy produces the following effects in the body:
According to the BIOMAGNETIC HANDBOOK by Dr. William H. Philpott & Sharon Taplin, North Pole Energy produces the following effects in the body:
From 1950 to 1990, Dr. William H. Philpott, M.D., practiced and specialized in psychiatry, neurology, electroencephalography, nutrition, environmental medicine and toxicology. He was a founding member of the Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry, and a fellow of the Orthomolecular Psychiatric Society and the Society of Environmental Medicine and Toxicology. From 1970 to 1975, Dr. Philpott conducted a research project to identify the causes of major mental illness and degenerative disease. This research resulted in the publication of two books: Brain Allergies: The Psychonutrient and Magnetic Connections and Victory Over Diabetes. In 1990, After forty years of medical practice, Dr. Philpott retired and dedicated the rest of his career to researching magnetic therapy and to helping doctors in the field of orthomolecular medicine understand its use. During this time, Dr. Philpott compiled extensive data on the use of the negative magnetic field as a therapeutic agent for virtually every pathological condition in human health. In-depth discussions and protocols can be found in a series of newsletters and manuscripts published by Dr. Philpott from 1995 to 2005. It was also during this time that Dr. Philpott published two more books Bio-Magnetic Handbook and Magnet Therapy, the latter of which, is the book that Dr. Philpott is best-known for. In 1998, Dr. Philpott was presented with The Linus Pauling Award by The Orthomolecular Health Society for his “scientific leadership and scholarship spanning the entire history of orthomolecular medicine.”
One woman who was unable to work or go out into society because of extreme environmental sensitivity, found that a flexible magnet placed inside a hat on top of her head made it possible for her to go inside a mall for up to 2 hours at a time!
Some doctors prefer only North Pole, whereas others prefer South Pole for treatment. Dr. Albert Roy Davis, U.S.A. is an ardent supporter of single pole use in his treatment. His book ‘the Anatomy of Bio-magnetism’ states: Treatment indications |
Magnetic Therapy in its natural state is the dominant North Pole field of the Earth dominating over the life processes of the body. With a full magnetic field from the Earth the body goes through many actions to promote good growth, strengthen tissue and fight disease and damage from accidents or injury. However most of the Earth does not have a full magnetic field. Scientists tell us that as a normal process the Earth's poles reverse approximately every 5,000 years. This could explain the loss of a lot of dinosaur. As we move to this polarity switch, in about 2,000 years, the Earth's magnetic field is lessening. With a decreased field the body is not always able to make all the changes it should and it makes it unable to successfully protect itself. An interesting note is that there are only four places left on Earth with full magnetic fields. Two habitable and two are not. The not are the North Pole and the South Pole. The habitable are Sedona, Arizona and Lourdes, France - both known for healthy living and healing. They can be thought of as East and West Poles.
In Discovery of Magnetic Health, George J. Washnis reports that millions of people annually visit Lourdes, France where greater north pole magnetic fields prevail. As a result of bathing, drinking and dabbing the water of Lourdes on their body, "All seem to feel better as pain and stress are relieved, while over 2,000 inexplicable cures (with 65 so-called miracles) have been recognized by the authorities." |
Magnetic Therapy works by affecting our blood. Normally the blood operates in a North Pole orientation, or under a North Pole effect. In this polarity the blood is oxygenated and its process of distributing nutrients and pulling wastes and toxins from injured tissue is made most efficient. When the body is ill or injured the polarity of the site is switched by the body to a South Pole orientation. This creates faster, excited movement meant to draw blood cells to the area for healing. The blood does not work well in a South Pole orientation. Its movement does not allow normal function and an acid state is developed, which micro-organisms, viruses and malignance thrive in. *The chart below shows the affect of North and South Pole applications on the body.* Once the blood has been drawn to the area, the body, with the help of the Earth's magnetic field is supposed to change the polarity of the blood back to a North Pole orientation so positive activity by the blood may take place.
Today, there are researchers such as William H. Philpott, M.D., George J. Washnis with Richard Z. Hricak, Robert O. Becker, M.D., Albert Roy Davis and Walter C. Rawls, Jr. and Kyoichi Nakagawa of Japan are learning more and more about the effects of magnets on the human body. |
The problem is that with a reduced magnetic field the body can not always make this necessary conversion and the injury/illness area is left in a South Pole orientation thwarting good cell growth with its acid effect and slowing the healing process. Without blood removing wastes and toxins from injury/illness sites they are left there to fester and become unwanted bursas or arthritic tissue or bad calcification.
The increase in conditions like Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, ADD, ADHD and a multitude of cancers and other Auto-Immune system diseases have increased with the decrease of the magnetic field.
Note: Try The affordable and amazing PEMF8000 The Best High Intensity Powerful Device!
Other problems are slow healing in fracture sets and longer recovery periods of disability after accidents. Another sign of this is the great increase in repetitive motion injuries in every form of business and sport. The answer in many cases is Proper Polarity Magnetic Therapy
How essential is magnetism to living organisms? The Smithsonian Institute determined that sharks and insects obtain up to 90 percent of their energy from the Earth's magnetic field rather than from food. Both sharks and insects are highly resistant to viral infectious diseases, including cancer, even though insects do not have an immune system. Dr. William Philpott believes magnetic energy is our first line of defense. He describes our immune system as our second line of defense.
Discovery of Magnetic Health—George Washnis 1993,
Discovery of Magnetic Health—George Washnis 1993,
Dr. J.H. Vandyk and Dr. M.H. Helpern did research for NASA in which they raised mice in specially prepared metal cages that shielded them from the electromagnetism of the Earth. Within a few weeks the animals lost their fur and began to die. The connective tissue in their skin and internal organs showed signs of uncontrolled growth. Additional animals raised in a normal environment during the same study remained healthy.
Magnetic Therapy—Holger Hanneman 1990
Magnetic Therapy—Holger Hanneman 1990
Results of this study found that prolonged exposure to static magnetic fields for a period of 64 hours inhibited growth of three human tumor cell lines in vitro.43 This study examined the effects of a rotational magnetic field on a group of 51 breast cancer patients. Results showed a significant positive response in 27 of them.44
Results of this study indicated that exposure to a rotational magnetic field inhibited Walker's carcinoma tumor growth as much as 90 percent in some cases.45 Results of this study indicated that pulsed magnetic field stimulation increased the incorporation of antitumor agents into cells, and thus increased antitumor activity shifting the cell cycle to a proliferative from a non-proliferative phase.46
Results of this study found that 20-30 sessions of magnet-otherapy administered preoperatively exhibited antitumor effects in patients suffering from lung cancer.47 This study examined the effects of microwave resonance therapy (MRT) in patients suffering from various forms of cancer. Results showed that MRT treatment prior to surgery reduced the spread of cancer-associated conditions and reduced the risk associated with surgery in 87 percent of patients. MRT applied postoperatively had beneficial effects in 68 percent.50
Results of this study proved that the combination of weak pulsed electromagnetic fields with antioxidant supplementation is beneficial in the treatment of patients suffering from tongue cancer, improving speech, pain control, and tolerance to chemotherapy.51 Results of this controlled study indicated that treatment with a constant magnetic field significantly improved long-term (3-year) survival time in patients undergoing radiation therapy for cancer of the throat. Constant magnetic field therapy consisted of the application of 300 mT for 30 minutes to tumor and metastasizing regions immediately prior to each irradiation.52
Results of this Russian study indicated that the use of whole body eddy magnetic fields, coupled with more conventional cancer therapies (including magnetotherapy) is effective in the treatment of patients suffering from a variety of different malignancies.53
This article reports on the case of a 48-year-old-woman with breast cancer who was treated successfully with magnetotherapy. Infiltration showed a marked decrease following 30 whole body exposures to an eddy magnetic field for 60 minutes. One metastatic node disappeared while the size of others was reduced following 60 such exposures. A total regression of tumor and metastases was seen following the completion of a course of 110 exposures.54
This study examined the effects of whole body magnetic fields (16.5-35 G, 50-165 Hz) on patients suffering from different forms of cancer. Treatment consisted of 15 cycles, each 1-20 minutes in duration, and was coupled with more traditional cancer therapies. Results showed that the magnetotherapy had overall beneficial effects, particularly with respect to improved immune status and postoperative recovery.55
by Gary Null |
By applying a structured North Pole magnetic field, using magnets or a pulsed magnetic field generator, we can convert the polarity of the blood in the injury/illness area allowing the blood to work as it should, pulling wastes and toxins away to the kidneys and other cleansing organs, clearing a path for good cell growth aided by the nutrients the blood can now deliver. Simple and totally natural. Use a Natural field to act as a catalyst to normal blood functions. The body can now heal itself naturally. Of course if there are broken bones or vertebrae out of place the magnets will not do it alone, this is time for a good chiropractor. Magnetic Therapy is only a piece of the health pie allowing us to avoid in many cases unnatural medicines and sometimes making surgical procedures unnecessary. Magnetic Therapy works great on many conditions and studies are coming up with more uses every day. Like the positive effects of drinking North Pole magnetized water for those with conditions like the Arthritis's, Fibromyalgia, Gout and ADHD to name a few. People are having great success but that's not a reason to avoid health professionals. After all without good diagnosis what do we treat? Magnetic Therapy works as well on Horses, Dogs and Cats as it does for people.
Pulsed Magnetic Fields (i.e. Magnetic Pulser)The purpose of this treatment is to disable microbes that are not floating around in the bloodstream, but are "hiding" in root canals, the lymph system, the stomach area, etc. This is a very important part of the Bob Beck protocol for wellness |
Apply a natural North Pole magnetic field. Convert the polarity of the blood to the North Pole orientated working polarity. Let the body heal itself. What is more natural than that?
The Magnetic Effect
A magnet or electromagnet produces an energy field Each pole of a magnet produces a different effect;
A magnet or electromagnet produces an energy field Each pole of a magnet produces a different effect;
Has a counter-clockwise rotation
Inhibits Relieves pain
Reduces inflammation
Produces an alkaline effect
Reduces symptoms
Fights infections
Supports healing
Reduces fluid retention
Increases cellular oxygen
Encourages deep restorative sleep
Produces a bright mental effect
Reduces fatty deposits
Establishes healing polarity
Stimulates melatonin production
Normalizes natural alkaline PH
Has a counter-clockwise rotation
Inhibits Relieves pain
Reduces inflammation
Produces an alkaline effect
Reduces symptoms
Fights infections
Supports healing
Reduces fluid retention
Increases cellular oxygen
Encourages deep restorative sleep
Produces a bright mental effect
Reduces fatty deposits
Establishes healing polarity
Stimulates melatonin production
Normalizes natural alkaline PH
In 1923 Soviet biologist Alexander Gurwitsch, who initiated research with the belief that all physical and biochemical reactions all have as their essence electromagnetic energy, proclaimed, "Every living cell also produces electromagnetic currents." Another Soviet researcher, Georges Lakhovsky was also convinced that the human body and therefore the cells in that body are equipped with biological receivers that react to every stimulus in the environment. He stated, "Every cell in a body is stimulated by the resonating interaction of the rhythmical flow of electromagnetic currents." It is clear from this research that the Earth's magnetic field is intended to provide each cell in our body with the magnetic and electrical energy that they need to survive. Since it has been established that this energy is deficient, it is necessary to supplement this if we want to live our lives to their fullest potential of health and length of life. |
Has a clockwise rotation
Excites Increases pain
Increases inflammation
Produces an acid effect
Intensifies symptoms
Promotes microorganisms
Inhibits healing
Increases fluid retention
Decreases tissue oxygen
Stimulates wakefulness
Has an over productive effect
Encourages fatty deposits
Polarity of an injury site
Stimulates body function
Has a clockwise rotation
Excites Increases pain
Increases inflammation
Produces an acid effect
Intensifies symptoms
Promotes microorganisms
Inhibits healing
Increases fluid retention
Decreases tissue oxygen
Stimulates wakefulness
Has an over productive effect
Encourages fatty deposits
Polarity of an injury site
Stimulates body function
In theory if you are using an alternating (AC or Bi-Polar) field, a combination of North and South poles applied at the same time, with prolonged use you will get an over stimulation of the condition being treated. Eventually the South Pole energy you are adding to the South Pole field of the injury Illness site will overcome the small amount of North Pole energy applied. At that time your body will be affected by the symptoms of the South-Positive field.
Raymond Elliott C.A.M.
Certified in Applied Magnetics
International School of Magnetic Therapy
International School of Magnetic Therapy
So, are Pulsed Electro magnetic therapy( PEMF) Products necessary? It is obvious from Reading and listening to many experts that the answer is yes. Does the polarity of a magnet that you are putting on your body matter? It appears that our bodies are similar in response to any electrical device. What happens if you put the batteries in backwards? IT DOESN'T WORK! What happens if we put the batteries in backwards into a sensitive electrical device and leave them there for a long time? The device is destroyed. Take care of your body and give it the HEALING ENERGY that it deserves, with a properly designed Pulsed Electro magnetic therapy( PEMF) System.
Now you can give your body
Pulsed Electromagnetic therapy( PEMF)
Pulsed Electromagnetic therapy( PEMF)
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