Forgiving is For Thanks And Giving With the holidays just around the corner, and families and friends getting together, I wanted to share with you an incredible and powerful law of the Universe that I have experienced over my life. I thought you might like to practice this to an unsuspecting person with a random act of kindness . Forgiving is for giving. That is, it’s for giving yourself these magical and life changing gifts. I would like to share those gifts with you, to deepen your understanding of the many wonderful benefits of forgiveness. Gift #1. Forgiving is for giving yourself the freedom to be happy again. As long as you bear a grudge against someone you will be unhappy—feeling frustrated, bitter, or angry. You will be suffering, while the person you resent might not even be aware that you resent him or her . . . or care! When you forgive, you stop giving that person power over how you feel. You break that negative emotional tie, and free yourself to be happy again. ...