
Healing Remedies Treat Diabetes Naturally

Healing Remedies Treat Diabetes Naturally     Diabetes has two forms – types 1 and 2 – and is a chronic metabolic disorder that prevents the body from utilizing glucose completely. Type 1 diabetes occurs when the pancreas fails to make enough insulin. It usually first appears in childhood or adolescence but can develop at any age. These patients need insulin every day in order to remain as healthy as possible. Type 2 diabetes is being diagnosed far more frequently these days among adults, especially those who are overweight and over age 40.These patients may not be insulin dependent and lifestyle changes can help a great deal to combat complications. There are also a number of natural remedies that can help:           Natural Remedies for Diabetes Bitter Gourd as a Natural Remedy for Diabetes – Bitter Gourd has been found to be one of the best tools to keep diabetes in check. It has been found that it contains a hypoglycemic or insulin-like substance, dubbed by some as 'pl

Natural Healing Remedy For Heartburn

Natural Healing Remedy For Heartburn! Holiday Ideas! The holidays bring a wealth of friends, family and food – and for many people nasty case of heartburn right after the holiday feast is over. Before you reach for an OTC antacid try one of these gentle, all natural yet very effective remedies instead:           Garlic – Garlic is one of the most versatile little foods of all and can be put to great use to combat all kinds of common ailments – including heartburn. When heartburn strikes, chewing a clove of garlic can bring speedy relief. To combat the side effects of garlic breath chewing on a sprig of parsley will do the trick.               Papaya – For those who suffer from regular heartburn taking a papaya supplement on a daily basis is often as – if not more – effective than those OTC meds like Prilosec or Prevacid. For the relief of sudden onset, turkey overload related heartburn a nice piece of fresh papaya should do the trick right away.             Apple Cider V

The Milk Myth: Why Milk Is Bad For You And Your Bones

Written and Edited By  Charlie Farricielli Got Milk? These days, it seems like almost everybody does. Celebrities, athletes, and even former president Clinton's head of Health and Human Services, Donna Shalala, are all proud to wear the white "milk mustache." After all, everyone knows that you need milk to be healthy ... Dairy is nature's perfect food -- but only if you're a calf. If that sounds shocking to you, it's because very few people are willing to tell the truth about dairy. In fact, criticizing milk in America is like taking on motherhood, apple pie, or baseball. But that's just what I'm about to do. There are a lot of competing ideas out there about what is good for you and what isn't. This is particularly true when it comes to dairy products and grains, especially wheat. For this article, however, I will focus solely on why you should not eat dairy products in any shape or form from any animal.         So, Why No Dairy? Below,

The Magical Benefits Of Coconut Oil!

    The Magical Benefits Of Coconut Oil! Of all the cures I have written about, nothing is as dramatically important for me as the coconut oil cure.   M other’s’ milk is considered a super food, the most perfect food on the planet for human consumption, due to its ideal nutritional content and immune boosting-compounds. The closest match in nature to mothers’ milk is found within the coconut. This tropical staple is loaded with many powerful fatty acids that give it a unique taste and an abundance of health- enhancing benefits. Coconut oil is rich in healthful saturated fats, known as medium chain triglycerides or MCTs. Vegetable and seed oils usually consist of long chain fatty acids (LCFAs), also known as long-chain triglycerides or LCTs. The LCTs put more strain on the pancreas, liver, and GI tract. The body must package these LCTs with carrier proteins that require special enzymes to effectively metabolize. MCTs are smaller, though, and permeate cell membranes easily w

America The Beautiful Charlie Farricielli


Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Amazing Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar You've probably heard of Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. But, do you know what all the talk is really about? This murky brown vinegar, the one with the sediment in the bottom of the bottle, is the vinegar that has been used for hundreds of years largely for medicinal purposes. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is made from nutritious organically grown apples and retains many of the fruits’ beneficial components because raw apple cider vinegar is not pasteurized. And in its two fermentation processes, it produces enzymes and life giving nutrients that make apple cider vinegar the powerhouse it is.       What Is The Difference Between Clear Vinegar & Raw Apple Cider Vinegar? Clear vinegar has none of the benefits of raw organic apple cider vinegar. Through its processing and distilling, it’s been stripped of everything beneficial and can be detrimental to your health due to the fact that it is dead instead of alive. Only
“Let It Be”  A Magical Story!                       This is a story about a very personal yet  life changing  experience that truly enhanced my very being and has optimistically altered the way I live and believe today! Yes, I know I should be writing about my favorite subject “roses” but these words are powerful and provocative and I need to let the planet know of this truly ancient enchanting secret that I have discovered and how you may use it in your livesWell, several years back when I thought I had all that life could give to me spiritually and materialistically, I really had not much to complain about. I believed that I did everything right and no obstacles could harm me. Yes, I had the life as a dream. People all around me loved who I was and admired my life’s successes and accomplishments. So proud of all that I had become. At that moment Ma gi