
Chances are that you have never had the opportunity to see and feel the pleasures of looking through “rose colored glasses”. I have experienced so many magical moments in the lives of people merely through this aged-old principle and lost secret of life I uncovered while using my secret invisible yet miraculous glasses …

You see my friend I have been fortunate enough to enjoy the many astonishing pleasures of life just through the magic of giving roses. Think of it this way. What you are about to discover is one of the most incredible secrets of life itself. This law is one of the most transformational principles that governs our universe and breathes life into the lifeless. Practice this principle and you will become more abundant and attract amazing miracles and astonishment in every area of your newly discovered life.

This is in fact the most direct route to all your amorous manifestations and awe-inspiring dreams come true. It has almost magical qualities to it and will turn the mundane into the most beautiful. It is a gift to yourself and a gift to others. This belief will literally re-shape and recreate your entire life forever.

These principles will bring light to the darkest corners of any life. It will turn frowns into smiles and sadness to joy. It is possibly the greatest healer of all our unhappiness. Once we learn to work with it, this certainty will free us of any negative energy that surround or daily lives. This principle holds the power to transform our lives eternally.

Gratitude and appreciation! As powerful as love! Together a-gratitude-heart-sunrise-pink-rose-dew-1010they are Love. Appreciate all that life offers. Be grateful for all that you are and have! Be thankful for life itself! Praise the good and the evil. Always live in this state and your life and your surroundings will instantly and miraculously change.

Appreciation multiplies! A universal law of attraction. Like attracts like! The more you appreciate the more it will attract to you.  It takes anything and makes it more. It literally expands the good the love. Relationships will flourish. Love will expand. Life will become fulfilled. Appreciation is the secret to make anything blossom and grow into something more. The “greater the heartfelt gratitude”, the faster and broader your life will change. It’s that simple!

Appreciation and gratitude for every part of life is the secret of the “rose colored Glasses”!

Just know that it works miracles! No matter how little you have in life right now, when you fill it with gratitude and appreciation, IT WILL INCREASE! Your life  becomes dramatically abundant!

I have so much more to write about this unstoppable powerful law and will do so in future articles.

So I write this first article to help one understand the bond between Gratitude, Life, relationships and the Magical “giving of Roses”

Roses are Gods gift to the planet that allows us to demonstrate our love and gratitude. A rose expresses the feelings of love and appreciation like no other flower on earth. There is no other way on earth to articulate your appreciation to ANYONE yet with the silent lexis and Godly aroma of a rose. Give with your heart and the roses will communicate your true thoughts to your appreciated loved one!

Appreciate yourself, your world, your thoughts and the ones you love.

Show your Gratitude, Feel your Appreciation, and express your love with roses!

Look through the “Rose Colored Glasses” today, tonight, and every moment of this incredible life! And as you do, your life will transform. Your new found existence of all that surround you will be forever wondrous in an inconceivable new world.


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