

By Bette Midler Lyrics

Compiled and edited by Charlie Farricielli

Some say love it is a river
that drowns the tender reed
Some say love it is a razor
that leaves your soul to bleed

Some say love it is a hunger
an endless aching need
I say love it is a flower
and you it’s only seed

It’s the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance
It’s the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance
It’s the one who won’t be taken
who cannot seem to give
and the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live

When the night has been too lonely
and the road has been too long
and you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows
lies the seed
that with the sun’s love
in the spring
becomes the rose


rose13aA Single Red Rose Says “I Love You”

The Magical Powers of a Red Rose

The Language of Flowers was brought to Europe in the 18th century. Each flower, color, and number had a specific meaning. By the 19th century, the floral code became popular with people sending messages via flower bouquets. Conversations between lovers took place without a single word being written or spoken. In the 21st century, a single red rose can be used with your message to convey your love.

If other expressions are needed, though, borrow some love words from poets.

“Love seeketh not itself to please,
Nor for itself hath any care,
But for another gives its ease,
And builds a heaven in hell’s despair.”
William Blake

“I love you so much, truly, that one could sooner dry up the deep sea and hold back its waves than I could constrain myself from loving you.”
Guillaume de Machaut

“For I had rather owner be
Of thee one hour, than all else ever.”
John Donne

A single rose speaks volumes. Single Rose Tidbit:
A single rose is all you need to convey your love to another.


Symbol of Romance and Love throughout History.

From the time Cleopatra filled room two-feet deep with rose petals for the visit of her beloved Marc Anthony to modern singles offering a single rose to their lovers, the rose has been a symbol of romance and love.

The rose was sacred to Venus, the Roman goddess of love. Robert burns the Scottish Poet, expressed his love as being like a red, red rose.

In the traditional Language of Flowers, lovers sent multiple or single roses to each other with very specific meanings understood by all: A red rose signified passion but a withered red rose meant that love was over.

No other plant has a heritage as long or romantic as the rose. Although the rose has had many meanings throughout history, it is most often associated with love and romance today.

All roses symbolize love, but certain rose colors take on special meanings. Red roses clearly say “I love you” in any romantic situation.

Although many lovers present roses by the dozen, a single rose is all that is needed to promise lifelong devotion and romance to the love of your life.

A single rose and a love quote:

“In our life there is a single color, as on an artist’s palette, which provides the meaning of life and art. It is the color of love.”
Marc Chagall


A cosmic explosion of life and inexhaustible energy, contained………

In a red rose.

It’s a magic gift from the Heavens”

A single rose that speaks of love

a single image held within my heart

that keeps you here with me

though we be miles apart.

And as each petal falls

redrose3 I'm reminded of your gentle touch,Many feelings can be expressed by flowers, and this non-verbal language is very popular nowadays. Each one of us has sent at least one message to someone with the help of a flower. Sometimes whole conversations between two lovers are spoken through flowers. The most meaningful flower of all is considered to be the red rose. A single red rose is now usually used to send a message of love. There are also many messages that can be sent through single roses, like : -a single white rose is used by someone that wants to say 'I'm sorry' to his/her significant other. It also has some other meanings. Since medieval times white roses are considered to be a symbol of light, purity and innocence, so sending a single white rose may also mean that you consider that person to be pure, or that your love is very pure. -a single yellow rose expresses happiness and love. Sending a single yellow rose to your half means that you are happy with your love and relationship. But be careful because single white roses have two meanings! They can also express jealousy, so sending someone one can mean that you are jealous. The best thing to do is to attach a note to the rose, explaining exactly what you mean. -a single peach rose is used to send a message of friendship to a best friend or even to a lover. -a single purple rose expresses beauty. So if you want to tell someone he/she is beautiful send him/her a single purple rose. -a single pink rose is an elegant way of thanking someone because this is what pink roses transmit: gratitude. Finally, a single black rose says 'it is over'. This is a way of ending a relationship - sending a single black rose together with a note. But, as mentioned before, the single red rose is considered to be the most beautiful and romantic. Even from the ancient roman times lovers give each other red roses. In those times, roses were the symbol of the roman goddess Venus, the goddess of love, so ever since then a single red rose clearly states 'I love you'. Also the red rose petals are used to symbolize love, and to create a romantic atmosphere. They can be left to float in the bath tub, or simply spread throughout the house or near the fireplace. If your lover is away you can add some rose petals to your letters. Red roses have been a continues source of inspiration for artists everywhere and thousands of paintings and poems have been written inspired by roses or by a single red rose. It has been said that a single red rose speaks volumes, so choose the fines rose and send it to someone you love now. If you want to surprise the ones you love or simply make a very nice gift check out these links for more information about a single rose and especially about a single red rose .

your kiss, your warm embrace,

the look of love upon your face. Live in Love …Charlie Farricielli


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