PEMF4000 FAQ "Pulsed Electromagnetic Field"
Questions and Answers 
Q: What is the frequency of the PEMF 4000? A: It has a pulse frequency from 1 to 200 pulses per minute. Q: How many Hertz (Hz) does your unit provide? A: This can be a confusing question. Hz only deals with the power input, so it has nothing to do with the performance of the machine. Hz is measured in pulses per second. The PEMF 4000 measures .01 to 3.3 Hz. Q: How much power does your device produce? A: PEMF 4000 is the most effective device, providing 2400 to 21000 Gauss (which converts to .24 to 2.1 Tesla). The part that makes our machine so effective is not so much the power as it is the speed of the pulse. Our pulse delivers electro magnetic energy in 100 nanoseconds, penetrating the cell barrier to provide the body instantly usable energy. This makes dramatic improvement possible in a short period of time. Q: What makes the PEMF 4000 different in comparison to the PEMF100? A: The biggest difference is the speed of the pulse which determines the treatment effectiveness. PEMF 4000 pulses at speeds of 100 nanoseconds per pulse. The PEMF 100 pulses at about 10 milliseconds per pulse, which converts to 10,000,000 nanoseconds – very slow! Plus, our power level of 2.1 Tesla allows the energy to penetrate deeper into the tissue. As a result, PEMF 4000 relieves pain in one treatment of 60 seconds on average while the PEMF 100 relieves pain in 30 minutes to an hour, at best. Our design is more durable and professional than the PEMF 100 which only lasts 3 months on average. Our customer support is personal, pleasant to work with, and easy to reach. And our price is better at $10k as opposed to $20k for the PEMF 100. Q: How come your PEMF device is so much less expensive? A: Because this is the price the technology should be going for. The others are quite over priced because they are taking advantage of the demand for pain relief. Our goal is to provide both healing and pain relief that is accessible and affordable for the average user. Q: Do you offer financing? A: Yes, we do. We work with a well established lending company who specializes in equipment financing. We can email you an application for more details. Q: Do you have a lease or rent program? A: No, after some bad experiences we decided to stay away from it for now. Q: Can this device heal any sickness? A: There is a huge field of areas where PEMF has proven to be of significance in healing and relieving pain. We are not doctors and can not give any conclusive statements, but we can promise you that almost regardless of your condition, you will benefit from the PEMF4000. Please go on our web site and blog to get more details about treatments and health studies from all over the world. Q: I have metal implants. Will the PEMF do any harm to me? A: Metal implants in general are fine so long as the area is treated carefully. However, people with pacemakers, insulin pumps, or other implanted electronics should not use it. Q: Can one get overdosed with using PEMF? A: No, electromagnetic energy is a natural thing found all around us. Using the PEMF 4000 does stimulate the cell metabolism, which causes the cells to release toxins for elimination by the immune system. It is good to drink a large glass of water after treating to help the body flush any toxins that may have been released. Q: I suffer often from migraines. Can I wrap the cable around my head? A: Although we have seen videos from other PEMF manufacturers where they treat the head, we do not recommend it because the brain is very sensitive to electromagnetic fields and it could cause interference. With our device you can treat migraines successfully by using the treatment rope only around your lower neck and upper shoulders. Q: Is there any way I can try the machine before buying? A: We can even do better! We offer our PEMF 4000 with a “No Questions Asked 30 Day Money Back Guarantee” so you can try it, test it, and get the full experience with the device in the comfort of your own home. If you, for whatever reason, do not like it or do not have the expected results you can return it and get your money back. But we have to warn you…. NOBODY has done it yet!!!! Q: Is the PEMF4000 FDA approved? A: The PEMF 4000 is not approved as of now. We are currently working on this bureaucratic issue. Fortunately, PEMF technology in general is approved by the FDA already. Q: How heavy is the PEMF 4000? A: Our machine weighs about 35lbs. It does come in a very durable military case that rolls on wheels with a retractable handle that makes it very easy to move around or travel with the device. Q: Do you recommend the “Full Package” or the “Basic Unit”? A: The Basic unit with the treatment rope gives you unlimited possibilities for use. The Full Package gives you that plus our clinical-quality selection of accessories, including our easy to use back wrap, joint wrap, and mattress which are great for on-going pain management. And, you can get the Full Package at a special price of $11,399 which saves you well over $1000 in retail accessory costs. Q: Can I pay with my credit card? A: Due to the fact that the merchant processing companies are increasing the rules and restrictions for purchasing high ticket items on credit, we distance ourselves from accepting credit cards. We do accept payment by check after billing. We also accept wires and direct deposits, which we honor with free shipping in the USA and 50% off shipping internationally. PEMF4000 GII Unit Comparison
many different devices available, there is very little information explaining what makes
one PEMF machine better than any other.
If you’re like the rest of us, you probably found lots of confusing numbers and scientific
Terms when you tried to find the real difference between these machines yourself.
You know, the kind of information you can’t find in a sales pitch!
That’s why; right here and right now, we are going to clear the fog surrounding what
makes one PEMF machine better than another - so you can make an informed decision as
a doctor or patient looking to experiment with one for yourself.
Why PEMF Works
To make a wiser buying decision, it helps to know what’s happening when you use aPEMF device. We’re going to go over the basics so you have a clearer understanding of
what is really going on during your PEMF treatment. After you know, you may find it’s
easier to get a sense of which kind of PEMF device will work best for you. We’ll keep
this short, sweet and simple so remember to take mental notes because they’ll help you
when we start comparing the different machines.
The first PEMF device was called a ‘lightning’ machine for a reason! PEMF works
because it charges up your cells with electricity. Problems that the PEMF treats such as
chronic pain can only happen in areas of low voltage in the body. That is, places where
the cells are low on energy for any number of reasons (injury, fatigue, illness, etc).
A PEMF machine sends extra electrical charge to those low energy areas using magnetic
fields to carry it into the body. Basically, the device send a ‘package’ of energy into the
low energy areas - think of the magnetic field as the envelope and the electricity as the
message! And when the cells receive that electricity they immediately use it to heal the
body – and relief can happen very quickly (within seconds to minutes) depending on the
What makes the PEMF 4000 device different than the others?
There are only two big differences between PEMF machines:
There are two types of PEMF device: High Power and Low Power. Each gets results but
performs best in different situations. You can tell the difference between machines by
how many ‘Tesla per pulse’ it has – more Tesla equals more power!
High Power devices like the PEMF 4000 range up in the milliTesla (mT) per pulse. They
make a loud ‘pop’ sound during treatment because of an internal ‘spark’ process used to
generate the magnetic field. And you can feel immediate pain relieving results with them
within minutes (or, in the case of the PEMF 4000, seconds) of treatment. High Power
PEMF is also known for improving mood, killing bacteria and strengthening the immune
Low Power devices range from the milliTesla down into microTesla – just to give you
some perspective, a microTesla is 1000 times smaller than a milliTesla. Their pulses are
generated and controlled electronically. While people do report positive results they tend
to be for mood enhancement, insomnia relief and anti depression rather than for pain
management. In cases of pain, low-powered units can get results over the long term. They
may be effective treating animals for whom the High Powered units are too strong.
2) How fast each pulse enters the body.
This is important because the faster the pulse enters the body, the more energy the cellwill actually receive. That’s because the cell can only take in electricity that moves fast
enough to penetrate its cell wall! So, the faster the pulse, the more benefit you receive.
High Power devices pulse faster than Lower Power ones. And the PEMF 4000 pulses
much faster than other High Power units. You can tell by the treatment time it takes
before you feel results!
That’s why, for the PEMF unit comparison below, we calculated the treatment time
required before its users experienced tangible results. We calculated the timing based on
the testimonials posted by users on each machine’s company website and by the
testimony of our own users treating chronic pain with the PEMF 4000.
All you need to remember is this - the faster the pulse enters the cells, the shorter the
amount of time you need to treat before you feel powerful results!
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