PEMF NEWS AND FAMOUS QUOTES! Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Discovery!
As PEMF Becomes so much more accepted and utilized in all medical practices around the world I thought it be fitting to begin to quote famous doctors and scientist about this new amazing discovery!
Why PEMF Works

To make a wiser buying decision, it helps to know what's happening when you use a PEMF device. We're going to go over the basics so you have a clearer understanding of what is really going on during your PEMF treatment. After you know, you may find it's easier to get a sense of which kind of PEMF device will work best for you. We'll keep this short, sweet and simple so remember to take mental notes because they'll help you when we start comparing the different machines. The first PEMF device was called a 'lightning' machine for a reason! PEMF works because it charges up your cells with electricity. Problems that the PEMF treats such as chronic pain can only happen in areas of low voltage in the body. That is, places where the cells are low on energy for any number of reasons injury, fatigue, illness. A PEMF machine sends extra electrical charge to those low energy areas using magnetic fields to carry it into the body. Basically, the device send a 'package' of energy into the low energy areas - think of the magnetic field as the envelope and the electricity as the message! And when the cells receive that electricity they immediately use it to heal the body - and relief can happen very quickly (within seconds to minutes) depending on the device.
Charles Farricielli
PEMF4000 "The Ultimate Healing Machine"
“PEMF is a benefit for Mankind from infant to the geriatric.
PEMF will lead to a change in the paradigm of medicine.”
-Dr. Linus Pauling – Double Nobel Prize Winner
I feel pulsed electromagnetic therapy may be one of the greatest discoveries in the history of medicine.”
- Dr. David Williams,
Alternatives for the Health Conscious Individual - (March 2004)
"In all living things energy is more fundamental than chemistry."
- James Oschman, author of Energy Medicine
“This idea of manipulating cellular activity with magnetically induced electrical currents is looking like one of the hottest new fields around.”
- Andy Bassett, MD on the future of PEMF, Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies
"All human activity is conditioned by the earth's magnetic environment. Once the connection is made between the magnetic aspects of the biophysical chemistry of human bio-organism, indeed all planetary biology, then it becomes easier to conceive of the body as a bioelectric/magnetic apparatus, subject to all physical laws of magnetism."
- Jiri Jerabek, MD, PhD & William Pawluk, MD, M.Sc. Book - Magenetic Therapy In EAstern Europe A review of 30 years of research
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