PEMF8000 (PEMF WELLNESS TECHNOLOGY) announces our newest member to our Board of Staff Doctors, Doctor Anthony Pacelli! PEMF 8000 Therapy Device advocate!

PEMF8000 (PEMF WELLNESS TECHNOLOGY) announces our newest member to our Board of Staff Doctors, Doctor Anthony Pacelli!

PEMF Wellness Technology DocDr. Anthony Pacelli - Doctor of Chiropractic

Dr. Anthony J. Pacelli is an energetic and enthusiastic advocate of the powerful natural healing benefits of Chiropractic, Quantum Neurology, Oriental Medicine, Nutrition, Exercise, Positive Thinking, and other forms of the natural healing arts. His enthusiasm for Chiropractic care came naturally when his father, Dr. Victor A.

Pacelli, was a successful chiropractic pioneer practicing on the east coast for over thirty-one years. His desire to follow in his father’s footsteps began developing at an early age as he witnessed the effectiveness of Chiropractic care and many of the natural healing arts being performed.

Doctor Pacellis Clinic Testimonies

I would like to thank you for the excellent care you have given me with your P.E.M.F 8000.  I have been astounded at the results I had received with only 3 treatments for my L4 prolapsed disc. I was able to stand straight and was able to walk with only a minor limp. Now with nearly 20 treatments of P.E.M.F., I am amazed at the outcome, as most times I am 100% free of any symptoms. I look forward to further treatments as well as looking forward to referring patients who can benefit from this miraculous device.  ”–BERNARD – MICHIGA

After the hurricanes swept past our Florida coast during the 2011 hurricane season, I over did it using a chainsaw to trim trees and my shoulder was killing me.  I had the worst case of tendonitis that kept me from being able to pick up my children.  After using pulsed electro magnetic field therapy for 15 minutes on my shoulder, my pain was gone!–HOWARD – FLORIDA

I had ankle surgery 17 months ago to remove bone spurs due to ankle pain.  After the surgery the pain was still worse than when I went in.  Three different orthopedic doctors told me I needed a bone fusion to get rid of the pain.  One month ago, I started P.E.M.F. 8000 treatments twice per week.  I’m getting closer to normal everyday and can now walk without limping when my shoes are off.–BRIAN – INDIANA

PEMF Wellness Technology LLC is a doctor-owned supplier of professional-grade PEMF Machines specifically designed for Chiropractors, Orthopedics Doctors, Pain Management Centers, Podiatrists, Rheumatologists, Physical Therapists, Physical Trainers, Horse Trainers, Veterinarians, and any other Healthcare professional who offers wellness and pain treatments for their patients.


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