Acres of Diamonds The Magical Story
A Classic Favorite Inspirational Story about Money, Wealth and Riches and Life (Truly Inspiring and a lost Epic writing) Acres of Diamonds by Russell H. Conwell (1843–1925) Edited and condensed for easier reading by Charlie Farricielli Just an awesome short story of the ages that will help us understand better the most important law of life! Be thankful for what we have! Appreciate our own back yard and the the grass on the other side.Look in our own heart for the solution to any situation. Its all here and now! Warm regards, Charlie Farricielli, Rosefarm.Com President In 1870 we went down the Tigris River. We hired a guide at Bagdad to show us Persepolis, Nineveh and Babylon, and the ancient countries of Assyria as far as the Arabian Gulf. He was well acquainted with the land, but he was one of those guides who love to entertain their patrons; he was like a barber that tells you many stories in order to keep your mind off the scratching and the scraping. He told me so many sto...